Myntra Fashion Superstar, the second chapter of India’s first Digital reality show! The Ultimate Handbook to Becoming the Next Big Fashion Influencer – #ChangeTheConversation
10 Budding fashion influencers enter the House of Myntra to clinch the title of ‘Myntra Fashion Superstar? Passion for Fashion, being in sync with the latest trends, with a dash of confidence & super competitive… Do they have all that it takes to be a fashion influencer? Influencers will be mentored to enhance their knowledge in fashion and social media skills. What makes them UNIQUE are external factors like – Crazy Make-up, Artistic Outlook, Cultural Spin Off, Being massy, the ethnicity that they bring out through their sense of style. What makes them the BEST – characteristics like – a Killer personality, Confidence, Communication Skills, Honest Opinions, Aspirational, Creative and Innovative. What Makes the STAND APART – Activists for Individuality and Inclusivity, Values Experiences over things, Freedom of Self-expression through style, Authentic vision, The Freedom to define and Design everything. Someone with all these qualities will have the power within to #ChangeTheConversation