World’s largest independent content creation group, Banijay Group recently entered Indian & South East Asian market under the guidance of Deepak Dhar with an aim to produce content across genres. Banijay Asia & SK TV, which was launched few years back, come together to create novel and stimulating content for TV and web. This partnership will see Banijay Asia through Deepak Dhar and SK TV providing scripted and non-scripted content across the numerous interesting genres for Indian and South East Asian markets.
Commenting on the association, Deepak Dhar, the founder and CEO of Banijay said “I am really looking forward for this association as creating ground-breaking content for India and South East Asia, creating challenging content has been my forte. This is an extremely substantial partnership for us to associate with SK TV. With the emerging shows, in television and digital this collaboration will build our presence in India and South East Asia”
Mr. Salman Khan for SK TV adds “This country is home to various talented people who don’t get a fair chance to prove themselves, we at SK TV not only aim to produce engaging content with our partners like Banijay Group but also provide a fair platform to these young and budding individuals. Honestly, the employment opportunities I can provide on the film front are limited because I am able to do only 1 or maximum 2 films each year. However, SK TV has a broader base where we will be coming up with multiple shows across various genres hence generating better employment opportunities for these hidden talents who aspire to make it big!”